UNARec Policies

General Policies of the Student Recreation Center

  • To utilize UNARec, a valid UNA MANE card is required.
  • Currently enrolled students at the University of North Alabama are considered members of UNARec.
  • A valid University of North Alabama MANE Card is required for admittance into the facilities housed within UNARec.
  • The use of or allowing the use of a MANE Card to someone other than the person to whom it was issued is prohibited and will result in immediate suspension of privileges of UNARec. 在学生会员的情况下,案件将提交给学生行为.
  • 强烈建议你在开始锻炼计划之前咨询医生.
  • 鼓励学生在参加比赛时穿着适当的运动服.
  • 所有的裤子和短裤在任何时候都必须穿在自然腰围处.
  • Shirts or tank tops must be worn at all times by all users.
  • 任何食物、口香糖或糖果都不允许进入SRC或OAC.
  • 饮料瓶允许在SRC和SRC,但他们必须有一个封闭的顶部.
  • 所有更衣室和洗手间禁止使用摄影设备.
  • Photographic devices are prohibited in the Fitness Center and Aerobic Studio without prior approval.
  • UNARec is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.


    • Failure to produce a University of North Alabama MANE Card upon request by any staff member of  UNARec.
    • Failure to promptly and properly exit any facility managed/operated by the UNARec upon request by any staff member of UNARec.
    • Misuse of any equipment or furnishings located within or adjacent to any facility managed/operated by the UNARec.
    • 协助他人从出口进入学生娱乐中心.
    • Spitting on any walls, floors, stairs or in any of the water fountains located within or adjacent to the Student Recreation Center or Outdoor Adventure Center.

Intramural and Club Sports Program Facility Polices

  • 利用校内及俱乐部举办体育活动的设施, a valid membership is required.
  • Currently enrolled students at the University of North Alabama are eligible to utilize such facilities if the Recreation Facility Fee has been paid in full.
  • A valid University of North Alabama MANE Card or a valid Membership Card issued by the Recreational Sports and Fitness Program is required for admittance into such facilities.
  • The use of or allowing the use of a MANE Card or Membership Card to someone other than the person to whom it was issued is prohibited and will result in immediate suspension of privileges to the Student Recreation Center and programs/activities offered through the Recreational Sports and Fitness Program. 如果是学生会员,案件将提交给学生司法系统.
  • It is highly recommended that you consult a Physician before participating in any intramural or club sport.
  • 参加比赛时必须穿著适当的运动服——牛仔裤、工装裤等. are prohibited.
  • 所有的裤子和短裤在任何时候都必须穿在自然腰围处.
  • Shirts or tank tops must be worn at all times by all users.
  • No food, chewing gum or candy of any kind is allowed in the facilities where intramural and club sports activities are conducted.
  • Use of electronic communication devices is allowed, unless otherwise stated; however, users are responsible for being aware of all activity around them while utilizing such devices. Additionally, 出于对其他顾客的礼貌,所有的电子通讯设备必须调到静音模式.
  • The Recreational Sports and Fitness Program is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.


  • Failure to produce a University of North Alabama MANE Card or government issued identification card upon request by any staff member of the Recreational Sports and Fitness Program.
  • Failure to promptly and properly exit any facility managed/operated by the Recreational Sports and Fitness Program upon request by any staff member of the Recreational Sports and Fitness Program.
  • Misuse of any equipment or furnishings located within or adjacent to any facility managed/operated by the Recreational Sports and Fitness Program.

Fitness Center Polices

  • It is mandatory that each person wipe off equipment after use with provided spray and wiping papertowel.
  • 酒店不提供个人健身毛巾,但您可以自备.
  • 未经许可,禁止在健身中心内使用摄影器材.
  • Proper athletic clothing is encouraged
  • 所有的裤子和短裤在任何时候都必须穿在自然腰围处.
  • Shirts or tank tops must be worn at all times by all users.
  • 只允许穿封闭脚趾和封闭鞋跟的运动鞋.
  • No food, chewing gum or candy of any kind is allowed.
  • Drink bottles must have a closeable top.

Failure to abide by the policies below may result in loss of membership to the Student Recreation Center.

  • 总是不能将砝码和所有其他附件返回到正确的位置.
  • 不断发出很大的声音(敲重物、大喊大叫、掉哑铃).
  • Misuse of equipment.
  • 协助某人从出口进入健身中心.
  • 随地吐痰于健身中心的墙壁、地板或器材上.

Weight Training Policies

  • Proper athletic clothing is encouraged.
  • 所有的裤子和短裤在任何时候都必须穿在自然腰围处.
  • Shirts or tank tops must be worn at all times by all users.
  • 只允许穿封闭脚趾和封闭鞋跟的运动鞋.
  • 必须将砝码和所有其他附件返回到适当的位置.
  • Clips on weight bars are mandatory at all times.
  • 强烈建议在跑步机上使用安全切断夹.
  • 强烈建议你在开始锻炼计划之前咨询医生.
  • 如果您不知道如何使用任何设备,请寻求帮助.
  • Work out at your own fitness level. Always use a spotter when attempting to lift maximum weight.
  • Be patient when waiting for equipment, 在别人等待的时候使用设备要有效率.
  • Ask if you may ―work in and always let others work in. 当与他人一起工作时,将座位和重量返回到最后一个用户的设置.
  • Be aware of others around you. Do not stand in front of weight rack while lifting, you may be blocking others from getting to the weights.
  • 避免发出很大的声音(举重、大喊大叫、扔哑铃).
  • Do not sit on machines when you are between sets.
  • 滥用器材将被立即开除出健身中心.

Gymnasium Policies

  • Use of electronic communication devices is allowed inside the gymnasium; however, users are responsible for being aware of all activity around them while utilizing such devices. Additionally, 出于对其他顾客的礼貌,所有的电子通讯设备必须调到静音模式.
  • 更衣室和洗手间禁止使用摄影设备.
  • 使用体育馆地板时必须穿著合适的运动鞋. Boots, sandals, socks only, bare feet, hard-soled shoes, 禁止穿露趾鞋、露跟鞋和尖跟鞋. 禁止穿黑底和红底鞋,除非它们没有标记. 

    注:以上亦适用于公开康乐活动,例如飞镖, Baggo, Badminton, Table Tennis and use of the Heavy Bag since the activity is occurring on the gym floor and may damage the area.
  • 参加比赛时必须穿著适当的运动服——牛仔裤、工装裤等. are prohibited.
  • 所有的裤子和短裤在任何时候都必须穿在自然腰围处.
  • Shirts or tank tops must be worn at all times by all users.
  • Gym bags, book bags or personal belongings are not allowed on the inner lane of the walking/jogging track around the gym perimeter or on the ledges of the windows. 这些物品必须靠墙或放在提供的长凳上.
  • Patrons are allowed to sit or stand on the outer lane of the walking/jogging track around the gymnasium perimeter, 但请对可能正在使用这条赛道的其他人保持礼貌. 如跑道正在使用,请坐在或站在球场之间.
  • No food, chewing gum or candy of any kind is allowed.
  • 水是唯一允许的饮料,瓶子必须有一个封闭的盖子.

Failure to abide by the policies below may result in loss of membership to the Student Recreation Center.

  • Hanging on the rim or pulling oneself up by the net.
  • Misuse of equipment.
  • 非紧急情况下从紧急出口离开体育馆.
  • 协助他人从紧急出口进入体育馆.
  • 在体育馆的墙壁、地板或饮水机上吐痰.

Aerobic Studio Policies

  • Use of electronic communication devices is allowed inside the aerobic studio; however, users are responsible for being aware of all activity around them while utilizing such devices. Additionally, 出于对其他顾客的礼貌,所有的电子通讯设备必须调到静音模式.
  • 摄影设备禁止进入有氧运动工作室的洗手间.
  • 未经批准,摄影器材不得进入有氧摄影工作室.
  • 建议参加比赛时穿适当的运动服.
  • 所有的裤子和短裤在任何时候都必须穿在自然腰围处.
  • Shirts or tank tops must be worn at all times by all users.
  • No food, chewing gum or candy of any kind is allowed.
  • Drink bottles must have a closeable top.

Failure to abide by the policies below may result in loss of membership to the Student Recreation Center.

  • Misuse of equipment.
  • 协助某人通过出口进入有氧运动工作室.
  • 向墙壁、地板或有氧健身室的饮水机吐痰.

Personal Training Policies

Our services may include the following:

Fitness Equipment Orientation:

Our Personal Trainers will explain the layout of the current weight room as well as proper set-up and use of all strength, cardiovascular, and flexibility equipment.

Personal Consultation:

指派给你的私人教练会评估你目前的锻炼计划, help you with developing personal fitness goals, 制定一个个性化的健身计划来帮助你实现你的目标.

Nutrition Consultation:

Glenda Richey will assess your dietary habits and include goal setting for your personal needs. A follow up session to keep you on track and help set new goals as you progress in your new dietary lifestyle is also available.

Policy Statement regarding Personal Training

Only individuals employed as Personal Trainers through UNARec are allowed to perform any type of personal training/instruction (one on one, partners, small group, etc) within the Student Recreation Center.

UNARec understands the importance and benefits of working out with friends or having a workout partner. However, instruction provided that is or may be perceived as personal training is not allowed. Corrective action to prevent this from occurring via a verbal or written warning may be instituted, 但UNARec保留删除任何违反本政策的用户的权利. This will extend to the individual that is perceived as providing training as well as any apparent clients and may ultimately result in loss of facility privileges.

This policy is designed to protect the health and well-being of our patrons and to insure that any personal fitness instruction under the direction of UNARec is from qualified individuals.


Outdoor Adventure Center Rental Policies

  • Equipment is available to check out at no charge for current students and staff/faculty members part of the Roar for Wellness Rewards Program.
  • 设备可提前2周预订或在OAC现场借出.
  • 除非事先获得延长租赁的许可,否则大多数预订仅限于4天. Kayaks and paddleboards are the exception, as they are 1-day rentals only, unless given prior permission for extended rental.
  • 设备必须在第4天闭馆前归还给OAC. 每逾期一天,承租人将被收取每天5美元的滞纳金.
  • 被列为租用设备的个人对损坏负责, losses, late fees, etc. even if multiple people have used the equipment.
  • Failure to pay damage, replacement, 或在归还或到期日支付清洁费,可能导致暂停参加中非共和国的活动, the SRC, OAC checkouts, and OAC events, 同时,租房者的学生账户也会被冻结.
  • 清洁费用是对被认为超出正常使用的脏设备项目进行评估的. A cleaning fee of $10 is assessed per item that is dirty. Tent Check out and Returns: Customers are required to set up tents for inspection upon return, this is non-negotiable.

    Most Common Equipment Replacement Fees

    • Backpack $200
    • Disc Golf $15 per disk
    • Bikes $300
    • Hammock $110
    • Kayak $500
    • Sleeping Bag $100-300
    • Paddles $50