Doctor of 护理 Practice

护理实践博士课程提供异步在线课程,包括三个面对面的强化课程. 目前持有MSN或更高护理学位的护士可以从以下三个方向中选择:

Advanced Practice (requires APRN certification)

With a focus on innovative, evidence-based practice, 本课程将为高级执业护士提供在不同医疗环境中提供转型护理的能力. DNP学位将提供具有与其他医疗保健领域的提供者相当的教育背景的高级执业护士.

教育al 领导 and Simulation

DNP在教育领导与医疗保健模拟浓度是理想的那些硕士准备护士谁想要成为先进的人口和集中的教育工作者和领导者,改变医疗保健的未来. 当前和新出现的证据和模拟最佳实践将被用作为决策提供信息的平台, 行动, 以及直接或间接影响教育和健康总量的干预措施, 个人, 家庭, 和组. Students will synthesize and evaluate systems-level thinking, 宣传, and integrate informatics to build partnerships within various settings.

Population Health and Simulation

人口健康领导的DNP在医疗保健模拟的浓度是理想的硕士准备护士谁想成为人口健康为重点的领导者在住院, 门诊, and community settings. 循证知识将指导学生在不断发展的医疗保健系统中改善目标人群的健康结果. 学习者将利用模拟来教育自己和他人有关气候变化等主题, disaster management, and safety and preparedness.


18 months (full-time)
30 months (part-time)


3 in-person intensives


Doctor of 护理 Practice (DNP)

Why UNA for your DNP?

With a long history of producing exceptional nurses, North Alabama provides affordable education without sacrificing quality. 您将从该领域一些最优秀和最聪明的人那里学习,同时通过最先进的模拟中心接受实践培训. DNP计划通过异步在线课程和三次面对面强化课程提供获得学位所需的灵活性. All of this for just $18K!

Doctor of 护理 Practice Curriculum

While you earn your DNP, 你将成长为一个学者——从项目识别开始,到项目传播结束——这一切都在你的细心呵护下, expert supervision and full support of your project committee.




NU 700

Data Management and Health Analysis (3)


NU 702

Health Care Informatics (3)


NU 704

Writing for Dissemination (3)


NU 706

EBP Design and Translation (3)


NU 708



NU 800

DNP I: Project Identification (1)


NU 802

DNP II: Project Development (2)


NU 804

DNP III: Project Implementation (3)


NU 806

DNP IV: Project Evaluation (3)


Nu 900

Advanced Experiential Clinical (0-3)


Track Specific Component


NU 720

Scientific Underpinnings (3)


NU 722

Health Policy and Politics (3)


NU 724

Health Disparities (3)


NU 726

Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change (3)


NU 728




Project/Clinical Requirements

学生将被要求积极参与DNP项目委员会的确定. Students must hold a current, 在计划实施DNP项目并完成项目工时的美国州获得无阻碍注册护士执照和高级执业执照(如果适用). 此外,学生必须满足所有其他临床文件要求,包括:

  • Physical examination (completed within the previous calendar year)
  • Proof of required immunizations or titers
  • Current tuberculosis screening
  • Proof of BLS for Healthcare Providers
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Criminal background check (updated annually)
  • Negative urine drug screen
  • OSHA / HIPPA训练
  • Proof of liability insurance

花在DNP项目上的时间必须独立于学生的就业环境. 在学生参与现场之前,必须与该设施签订临床合作协议.

On-Campus Requirement

在DNP项目期间,学生需要参加三次校内集训. 旅行、住宿、膳食和所有其他相关的访问费用由学生负责.





In our online DNP program, 在你攻读护理学位的过程中,你将从专职教师那里学习,他们大多数都拥有一流大学的最终学位.

View our 护理 教师/Staff here.

What can I do with a DNP?

The DNP is a terminal degree in nursing. 您将在以下领域发展具有先进知识的多样化技能:

  • 领导
  • Evidence-based practice
  • 批判性思维
  • 质量改进
  • 卫生政策
  • 卫生经济学

然后,您将能够使用这些知识来影响有关护理质量的变化, 病人的结果, and the nursing profession.



The baccalaureate degree program in nursing, master’s degree program in nursing, K8彩乐园的研究生APRN护理证书课程获得了大学护理教育委员会(

K8彩乐园的护理实践博士课程正在寻求大学护理教育委员会( 申请认可并不保证会获得认可.

Admissions Requirement

In order to be accepted into the Doctor of 护理 Practice program, the following will need to be completed:

  • 完成安德森护理和健康专业学院(ACONHP)研究生课程的申请.
  • A 3.在美国地区认可的护理项目中获得护理学硕士学位,平均绩点为0或更高. 进入高级实践轨道需要在高级实践领域的MSN. Official transcripts are required.
  • Submission of current resume.
  • 两封来自学术界或工业界的专业人士的推荐信,他们可以评论你的成就, contributions to healthcare, leadership abilities, and other potential factors of success.
  • Submission of certification as an advanced practice nurse, if applicable.
  • Submission of current unencumbered registered nurse license. Submission of current unencumbered advanced practice license if applicable. Nurses without an unencumbered license, including participation in voluntary disciplinary alternative programs, 不能被录取.
  • Submission of a professional statement that outlines a proposed project topic, a brief summary of the literature, 并讨论一个可能的基于证据的项目来解决拟议的主题. Requirements for this are:
    • APA format and no more than one written page with a second page for references. The topic should be related to your desired track.
  • 所有DNP申请人必须完成犯罪背景调查和尿检呈阴性.
  • 入院后,您将被要求提交所有必需的临床文件.

Application Deadline

Application Deadline

  • Spring 2025: Application submitted and completed by August 30, 2024. 


Earn your DNP for under $28k!

New students will automatically qualify to receive a waived application fee.

2023-2024 Tuition Cost

Doctor of 护理 Practice

Online: $550 per credit hour for 42-45 hours.

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