CAEP Accountability Measures

Impact Measures

Measure 1 


Completer Effectiveness and impact

on P12 Learning and Development

(Component R4.1)

Educator Preparation Institutional Report Card and Responses to First-Year Teacher Survey

(Provided by the State of Alabama)

EPP Employer and Completer Case Study 

In response to the lack of data available to the EPP for this CAEP measure, the EPP is actively working with local education agencies and the Alabama State Department of Education to collect additional data, which include student test scores and teacher evaluations, to sufficiently address Completer Effectiveness and Impact on P-12 Learning and Development. Additional data will be available August 2024.

Measure 2 

(Initial and Advanced)

Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement

(Components R4.2,R5.3,RA.4.1)

Educator Preparation Institutional Report Card and Responses to First-Year Teacher Survey

(Provided by the State of Alabama)

EPP Employer and Completer Case Study

Outcome Measures

Measure 3

(Initial and Advanced)

Candidate competency at program completion 

(Component R3.3, RA3.4)

Initial Programs


(For information about edTPA, please visit

UNA edTPA Pass Rates

Praxis Subject Assessments

For information on the Praxis Subject Assessments please visit:

The link below contains our Praxis Subject Assessment data:

Praxis Subject Assessment Summary Data

EPP-created Summative Evaluation Data 

2022-2023 Class B Summative Evaluation Data 

Advanced Programs

Elementary/Early Childhood/Collaborative Education

Secondary Education

Instructional Leadership/Teacher Leader

Measure 4

(Initial and Advanced)

Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have been prepared

Employment data is provided by the Alabama State Department of Education for both initial and advanced program completers.

Note: The completer employment information provided to the EPP by the Alabama State Department of Education includes only completers employed by public schools in the state of Alabama. It does not include employment information for completers hired by private, parochial, or out-of-state schools.

The ALSDE is scheduled to provide the EPP with updated completer employemnt data by August 2024.

Percentage of UNA Education Initial Completers Hired in Alabama Public Schools (Fall 2021-Fall 2022)

Percentage of UNA Education Initial Completers Hired in Alabama Public Schools (Summer 2020-Fall 2021)

Percentage of UNA Education Advanced Completers Hired in Alabama Public Schools (Fall 2021-Fall 2022)

Percentage of UNA Education Advanced Completers Hired in Alabama Public Schools (Summer 2020-Fall 2021)

The EPP regularly tracks employment data for all program completers.This page is updated periodically as data is available.

CAEP-Approved Initial Programs 

CAEP-Approved Alt-A Programs

CAEP-Approved Advanced Programs

Recruitment Plan

Specialty Faculty Roster

Advisory Boards 

2023-2024 EPP Consortium Meeting Minutes

COEHS Graduate Enrollment by Program

Faculty Request Form