How to Initiate a FERPA Release Request

什么是FERPA? 它适用于谁?

1974年的《首页》(“FERPA”)是一部管理教育记录隐私的联邦法律. 法律, also known at the Buckley Amendment, 适用于接受美国教育部管理的任何项目资金的所有教育机构或机构. 去 http://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html 了解更多.

FERPA applies to personally identifiable information in educational records. This includes items such as the student’s name, 地址, personal identifiers such as social security numbers, 以及使学生身份易于追查的个人特征或其他信息.


教育记录是由教育机构或机构保存的包含与学生直接相关的信息的所有记录, or by a party acting on its behalf. A record means any information recorded in any way, 包括手写, 打印, 磁带, 电影, 缩微胶片, 缩微平片, 数码图像.

教育al records do not include the following:

  • 独存记录由建制人独存,仅作为个人记忆辅助工具使用,除临时代替建制人的人外,其他任何人不得查阅或查阅的记录;
  • 包括医生保存的医疗或心理治疗记录, 精神科医生, 和心理学家;
  • 就业 records, provided that employment is not contingent upon being a student;
  • Law enforcement records; and
  • 在一个人不再是K8彩乐园的学生之后,收集他的记录.


At the K8彩乐园, FERPA rights apply to all students. A student is a person who is or has been in attendance at the institution, 不管这个人的年龄.

What are a student's rights under FERPA?

Under FERPA, a student has a right to

  • Inspect and 审查 his or her educational records;
  • Request to amend his or her educational records;
  • 对他或她的教育记录信息的披露是否有一定的控制.

The university notifies students annually of their FERPA rights via the Digest, the university notification system. If a student believes that such rights have been violated, he/she may contact the Family Policy Compliance Office at the 教育部, 400 Maryland Ave SW, 华盛顿特区2002-4605. Additional information is available at www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco.

Do students have a right to see and change their educational records?

应书面要求, the university shall provide a student access to his or her educational records except for financial records of the student's parents or guardian; and confidential letters of recommendation where the student has signed a waiver of right of access. If the records contain information on more than one student, the requesting student may inspect, 审查, or be informed on only the specific information about his or her own records. A student may obtain copies of his or her educational records. FERPA所涵盖的教育记录通常会在申请后45天内提供. 学生可以对学生的教育记录内容提出质疑,理由是这些内容不准确, 误导, 或以其他方式侵犯学生的隐私权,向记录管理员提交书面声明. The registrar is the official custodian of records at the University.

Is there some way that I can block my information?

A currently-enrolled student may restrict access to their directory information, or may remove their information from public directories. 希望限制目录信息发布的学生应填写“不披露目录信息”表格, 可在 注册的网站. 填妥的表格可以亲自或通过您的UNA电子邮件帐户提交到注册办公室 registrar@salamzone.com

希望限制目录信息的学生应该意识到,他们的名字不会出现在毕业典礼计划和其他大学出版物中. Also, employers, loan agencies, scholarship committees, 等. will be denied the student’s directory information as well.

保密要求是永久的,直到学生要求取消限制. Request should be submitted to the 注册商’s email, registrar@salamzone.com.


目录信息是包含在学生教育记录中的信息,如果披露,通常不会被认为是有害的或侵犯隐私. 目录 Information may be released without prior consent. UNA defines directory information as the following:

  • 名字
  • 永久及本地地址
  • 电话清单
  • 电子邮件地址
  • 学位课程(s) /主要(s)
  • 出席日期
  • 注册状态
  • Degree(s)/Honor(s)/Award(s) Received and Date(s)
  • High School(s) and Other Colleges and Universities Attended
  • 出生日期和地点
  • Participation in Officially Recognized Organizations, Activities and 体育
  • Weight/Height of Members of Athletic Teams
  • 摄影及数码影像

Is the University required to release a student’s directory information?

No. The only required disclosure of education records is to the student. 所有其他披露, 包括那些与学生的同意和目录信息的披露是由UNA酌情决定.


Yes, FERPA does contain some exceptions to the written consent rule. The following exceptions allow disclosure without consent:

  • 提供给具有合法教育利益的大学管理人员(包括合同下的第三方)
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
  • 在健康或安全紧急情况下,为保护学生或其他人,向适当的各方提供帮助
  • 如果学生在21岁以下吸毒或酗酒,给家长
  • To the provider or creator of a record to verify the validity of that record (e.g. (如怀疑欺诈)
  • To 组织 conducting research studies on behalf of the University, 前提是大学和研究机构之间有书面协议
  • 致学生寻求或打算入学或目前入学的机构的官员


“大学官员”是负责促进大学教育目标的一般或特定责任的大学雇员,或与大学签订合同提供专业服务的第三方, 与大学的教育使命有关的业务和类似的行政服务.

Individuals whose responsibilities place them within this category include instructors; faculty advisers; admissions counselors; academic advisers; counselors; employment placement personnel; 院长, 部主席, 董事, and other administrative officials responsible for some part of the academic enterprise or one of the supporting activities; 大学警察 personnel; health staff; development officers; staff in 首页关系; administrative and faculty sponsors of officially recognized clubs, 组织, 等.; members, 包括学生和首页, of official college (or University) committees; staff personnel employed to assist University officials in discharging professional responsibilities; and persons or entities under contract to the University to provide a specific task or service related to the University's educational mission.

What constitutes "legitimate educational interest"?

FERPA允许大学员工在拥有“合法教育利益”的情况下查阅学生的教育记录." Such access does not require prior written consent of the student.

But what constitutes "legitimate educational interest"?

“合法的教育利益”包括执行一项任务或从事与(1)个人的常规职责或专业责任相关的活动, (ii)学生的教育, (iii)学生的纪律, (iv) a service to or benefit for a student, (v) measures to support student success, and (vi) the safety and security of the campus.


  • Curiosity is not a legitimate educational interest. 就因为你能接触到班纳能看到你邻居儿子的记录, 并不意味着你对他的成绩和累积GPA有合法的教育兴趣.
  • 仅仅因为你是一所大学的雇员这一事实并不构成合法的教育利益. 你需要知道的必须与你的工作职责有关,以支持大学的教育使命. 换句话说, 记录只应在与学生的教育成就有关的公务中使用.
  • Your legitimate educational interest is limited. While you may have a need to access education records for students in your college, 你不一定有类似的需要查看你的大学以外的学生的记录. 换句话说, access to information does not authorize unrestricted use.


就FERPA而言,当一个人在一个机构“出勤”时,他就成为了学生. This includes attendance in person or remotely by videoconference, 卫星, 互联网, or other electronic and telecommunications technologies.




只要“大学官员”对该学生的记录有“合法的教育利益”,他们就可以在没有学生同意的情况下查阅学生的教育记录. The student's permission is not required.

Where can I find a consent form/FERPA release?

Students may complete a FERPA release by logging into their UNA门户. Select 学者, look on the left side of the screen all the way to the bottom and you will find FERPA, 记录版本. Click on 记录版本 and follow the prompt to add your parents, parent or guardian. 一旦提交,您的请求将被发送到注册主任办公室进行处理.

Whom should I contact with questions or concerns?

Direct all questions to the Office of the 注册商, registrar@salamzone.com 或电话, 265-765-4319. A FERPA release is required before we can discuss a student’s educational records.

Notification of Student Rights under FERPA

家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)为学生提供了有关其教育记录的某些权利. 它们是:

  • 1. 有权在学院收到访问请求之日起45天内检查和审查学生的记录.
    • a. 学生应向注册主任提交一份书面请求,说明他们希望检查的记录. 教务处将安排查阅记录,并通知学生查阅记录的时间和地点.
  • 2. 有权要求修改学生认为不准确或误导的教育记录.
    • a. 学生可以要求学校修改他们认为不准确或有误导性的记录. 他们应该写信给书记官长, clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or 误导.
    • b. If the institution decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, 学校将通知学生有关决定,并告知学生他或她有权就修改请求举行听证会. 有关听证会程序的其他信息将在通知学生有权参加听证会时提供给学生
    • c. 修改学业记录的过程只涉及记录不准确或错误的信息. It is not a process to appeal grades, 纪律的决定, 或者其他学生不同意但被准确记录的大学决定. 对于与决定本身有关的争议,而不是与记录决定或信息的准确性有关的争议,必须使用正常的审查和上诉渠道. 有关成绩和纪律申诉的信息可以在学生手册中找到.
  • 3. 有权同意披露包含在学生的教育记录中的个人身份信息, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

符合条件的学生有权在大学披露其教育记录中的个人身份信息之前提供书面同意, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

大学可能会, 有时确实如此, 未经学生事先书面同意,经FERPA授权披露教育记录, 包括大学认定的拥有合法教育利益的大学官员. UNA defines “university officials” and “legitimate educational interests” as follows:

    • “大学官员”, 负责促进大学教育目标的一般或特定责任的大学雇员或与大学签订合同提供专业服务的第三方, 与大学的教育使命有关的业务和类似的行政服务.
    • Individuals whose responsibilities place them within this category include instructors; faculty advisers; admissions counselors; academic advisers; counselors; employment placement personnel, 院长, 部主席, 董事, 负责学术事业的部分工作或某项配套活动的其他行政管理人员;
    • 大学警察 personnel; health staff; development officers; staff in 首页关系; administrative and faculty sponsors of officially recognized clubs, 组织, 等.; members, 包括学生和首页, of official college (or University) committees; staff personnel employed to assist University officials in discharging professional responsibilities; and persons or entities under contract to the University to provide a specific task or service related to the University's educational mission.
    • “合法的教育利益”包括执行一项任务或从事与(1)个人的常规职责或专业责任相关的活动, (ii)学生的教育, (iii)学生的纪律, (iv) a service to or benefit for a student, (v) measures to support student success, and (vi) the safety and security of the campus.
  • 4. 提出申诉的权利:符合条件的学生有权向美国学生服务中心提出申诉.S. 有关指称联合国大学未能遵守FERPA的规定. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
    • 家庭政策遵从处
      U.S. 教育部
  • 5. 学校将尊重保留以下信息的要求,但不能承担联系学生的责任,以便随后允许释放这些信息. 该机构不承担履行指示,这些信息被扣留的责任. 以下列出的项目被指定为“目录信息”,除非学生要求保密,否则学校可以自行决定为任何目的发布这些信息:
    • 名字
    • 永久及本地地址
    • 电话清单
    • 电子邮件地址
    • 学位课程(s) /主要(s)
    • 出席日期
    • 注册状态
    • Degree(s)/Honor(s)/Award(s) Received and Date(s)
    • High School(s) and Other Colleges and Universities Attended
    • 出生日期和地点
    • Participation in Officially Recognized Organizations, Activities and 体育
    • Weight/Height of Members of Athletic Teams
    • 摄影及数码影像

你可下载pdf版本的 FERPA Notification (Family 教育al and Right to Privacy Act here.