
Your opportunity to experience an essential piece of the university experience begins now. Housing & 居住生活 invites you to live in a supportive and engaging community that is committed to your personal development and academic success. 今天就申请住校!

  • All applications, assignments, and updates are located in the 房地产门户网站. It is also critical that you check your UNA email account regularly. 
  • If you complete an application then decide against living on campus, please complete the 申请取消通知 所以我们可以腾出您的房间. Please note, contracts cannot be terminated upon the acceptance of a room key in August. 
  • 提醒一下, the University makes all assignments without regard to race, color, religion, 性取向, 或者国籍 and rejects all requests for change of assignment based upon reasons of race, color, religion, disability, 国家的起源, 或其他受保护类别.

Click HERE 申请房屋. 


  • 您的UNA门户凭据(用户名) & password). This information is provided by Admissions upon acceptance to the University. 如果您忘记了密码,请与我们联系 ITS 让它重置.
  • Credit/Debit Card for payment of the $150 non-refundable application fee. 这笔费用不能免除,也不能由经济援助支付. Students currently residing on campus do not pay this fee to re-apply for the following academic year. 
  • Parent or guardian to authorize the application if the student is under 19 years old. 通过提交申请, you are entering a legally binding contract which cannot be terminated unless you opt to not attend UNA in the 2024-2025 academic year.

K8彩乐园程序状态 & Deadline: You must complete your housing application and contract, 缴交不可退还费用(只适用于新生), 然后把它完整地交上去,这样才能收到作业. Assignment selection timeslots are created via lottery and will be distributed in late February for returning students. New student assignments will begin in April and continue throughout summer. 

单人间要求: Each year we receive a significant number of requests for single rooms. We have a 数量极其有限 有多少单人房?. Available rooms will be displayed during the housing selection period. 

赋值的变化: It is difficult to change assignments once they have been distributed, 但请求将根据具体情况进行考虑. The K8彩乐园 is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and assignments will be made without regard to race, religion, creed, ethnicity, 性取向, 或者国籍.

特殊住宿要求: Residents needing a special accommodation must submit an online request after reviewing the information HERE. While there is no official deadline to submit requests for special accommodations, failure to request accommodations in a timely manner may result in a delay of services. Accommodation requests received by March 1st will receive priority assignment. We will continue to honor special accommodations as space and availability allow. 

大一新生居住要求: Freshmen are required to live on campus for one academic year. Students eligible for exemption must submit an online exemption form. 如果你想申请居留豁免, you are encouraged to submit a form upon admission to the university. For more information and access to the Exemption Form, please click HERE

Application & 请求室友日期

12月1日: The 住宅K8彩乐园程序 opens for the 2024-2025 academic year at 6pm. 

2月1日: Priority deadline for Returning Students (current residential students). Current residential students applying after February 1st could be placed on a waitlist for housing. 

2月14日: Roommate matching opens for residents wanting to request a specific roommate or identify a roommate based on the application questionnaire. 这不是流程中必需的步骤. 

March 1st: 新生优先申请截止日期. Students applying after March 1st could be placed on a waitlist for housing. 


March: 2月1日前申请的归国学生. 1st will select their housing assignment for 2024-2025 in March. Residents can renew their current assignment on March 5th-6th (if located in an eligible assignment) or select a new assignment on March 12th-14th. 

April: New students applying before March 1st will receive their housing assignment by May 1st. 

May-July: Any student applying after the priority dates and/or does not participate in selection will be automatically assigned in May-July depending on submission date and availability. 


These are tentative and subject to change depending on the organization and university calendar.

August 9th: 提前入住(仅限预先批准的学生). 可在选定地点使用)

八月十五至十七:期间 秋季开幕周末入住

8月19日至23日: 延迟入住

Students can create roommate groups or browse for a roommate based on the housing questionnaire beginning February 14th. 如果室友没有事先确定, you may select an assignment based on location preferences only. Any student that does not apply before the priority application date and/or does not participate in housing selection will be assigned a roommate based on the housing questionnaire in May-July.  


  • The application and contract is for one academic year (residence halls) and one calendar year (apartments). 如果你决定不参加UNA,请提交一份 申请取消通知 这样我们就可以腾出你的房间了.
  • Cancellation requests after August 1st must be submitted through the 解除合约上诉 检讨程序. 


  • If you would like to request a different assignment, please submit a 候补名单的请求 你会被安排在合适的候补名单上. 
  • Availability fluctuates often throughout spring/summer so waitlists will be evaluated regularly and updates will be visible in the 房地产门户网站. 请不要提交重复的申请. 

Please note that all residential students must purchase a meal plan. See the chart below for 2023-2024 Residential Meal Plan Options & Rates. (2024-2025 plans and rates will be posted in March 2024)

You must choose a Meal Plan when completing your residence hall application, 但你可以通过你的 UNA Portal 帐户或访问Gunn Commons的One Stop. 膳食计划价格可能会有变动. 请访问 餐饮服务 了解更多信息.


*团体计划包括50餐交换+ 5客人餐

用餐次数 包括餐费 Total Cost
150餐座* $550 $1,775
175餐座* $375 $1,775
200餐块* $250 $1,775
无限的餐 $0 $2,150


*团体计划包括50餐交换+ 5客人餐

用餐次数 包括餐费 Total Cost
150餐座* $550 $1,775
175餐座* $375 $1,775
200餐块* $250 $1,775
无限的餐 $0 $2,150
85餐座 $200 $950
50餐座 $100 $540

Olive Hall

  • 一年级学生 
  • 430张床位/ 6层/男女合校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 所有学术分类
  • 335张床位/ 4层/男女合校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 理解学生
  • 92张床位/ 4层/男女合校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 一年级学生
  • 92张床位/ 4层/男女合校
  • 率可用 HERE

Appleby East

  • 所有学术分类
  • 74张床/ 3层/均为女性
  • 率可用 HERE
  • 女生联谊会的社区


  • 所有学术分类
  • 74张床/ 3层/均为女性
  • 率可用 HERE
  • 女生联谊会的社区

Rice Hall

  • 所有学术分类
  • 310张床位/ 6层/男女混合
  • 率可用 HERE

Rivers Hall

  • 所有学术分类
  • 420张床位/ 8层/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 所有学术分类
  • 58张床位/ 2层/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE

Twin Oaks

  • 的理解只
  • 2间卧室公寓/每间房2人 
  • 30个单元/ 120个床位/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE

Lion's Gate

  • 的理解只
  • 2间卧室公寓/每个房间1名居民
  • 16个单元/ 32个床位/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE

Cedar Arms

  • 的理解只
  • 1间卧室/ 2人/房间
  • 24个单元/ 48个床位/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 的理解只 
  • 高效公寓/每房2人
  • 60个单元/ 120个床位/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 的理解只
  • 2 Bedroom & 4间卧室/每间房间1名居民
  • 56个单元/ 120张床位/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 的理解只
  • 1bd & 2 bd可用 
  • 48张床位/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 的理解只
  • 1bd & 2 bd可用 
  • 48张床位/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE


  • 的理解只
  • 1bd & 2 bd可用 
  • 98个床位/男女同校
  • 率可用 HERE