
The K8彩乐园 (“UNA” or “University”) recognizes the importance of Service Animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) and the broader category of 帮助动物 ("AA" or "ESA") under the Fair 住房 Act that provide physical and/or emotional support to individuals with disabilities.  UNA is committed to allowing individuals with disabilities the use of a Service Animal on campus to facilitate their full-participation and equal access to the University’s programs and activities. UNA is also committed to allowing 帮助动物 necessary to provide individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing. This Policy explains the specific requirements applicable to an individual’s use of a single Assistance Animal in University housing. 联合国保留根据情况需要修改本政策的权利. 本政策仅适用于大学宿舍可能需要的辅助动物. 它不适用于由ADAAA定义的服务性动物. 

Although it is the policy of UNA that individuals are generally prohibited from having animals of any type in University housing, UNA will consider a request by an individual with a disability for reasonable accommodation from this prohibition to allow an Assistance Animal that is necessary because of a disability and reasonable. The question in determining if an Assistance Animal will be allowed in University housing is whether or 不 the Assistance Animal is necessary because of the individual’s disability to afford the individual an equal opportunity to use and enjoy University housing and its presence in University housing is reasonable. 帮助动物 may 不 be kept in University housing at any time prior to the individual receiving approval by 住房 & 居住生活(“HRL”)是根据本政策提供的合理便利. 



辅助动物是一类可以工作的动物, 提供援助, 或者执行物理任务, for an individual with a disability and/or provide necessary emotional support to an individual with a mental or psychiatric disability that alleviates one or more identified symptoms of an individual’s disability, 但根据ADAAA和UNA的服务动物政策,它们不被视为服务动物.  有些AA是经过专业训练的, but in other cases AA's provide the necessary support to individuals with disabilities without any formal training or certification. 狗通常被用作辅助动物, 但任何动物都可以作为辅助动物为残疾人服务. It is important to 不e that animals that may be needed because of a disability may be identified by various names.  例如, 个体可以将该动物视为伴侣动物, 治疗动物, 舒适的动物, 或者情感支持动物.


The handler/owner is the individual who has requested the accommodation and has received approval to bring a specific assistance animal into University housing.


The Office of 残疾支援服务 ("DSS" or “残疾支援服务”) collaborates with individuals, 教师, and staff to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to all UNA programs and activities.


The University will require confirmation/documentation of the disability-related need for the specific assistance animal the student intends to have in his/her 房间 from a physician, 精神病学家, 持牌社工, 或者其他有执照的心理健康专家. This documentation must include how the specific animal requested will provide some sort of disability-related assistance or emotional support. 将与学生联系,以获得有关批准/拒绝以及批准情况的进一步说明, 协助动物收容与房屋署的会议 & 宿舍生活专业人员在他们的UNA门户电子邮件. Copies of all signed documentation will also be provided to the student at the Assistance Animal Intake Meeting.

申请特定辅助动物的程序及要求如下, AA认证表格, 及处理人员职责及指引表格. 



辅助动物必须被安置在私人指定的个人生活场所(如.g., 房间, 套件, 公寓),除非个人带动物出去自然缓解.  当情感支持动物在私人生活场所之外时, 它必须在一个动物载体或由皮带或挽具控制. If an individual with a disability establishes necessity for an Assistance Animal and it is allowed in University housing, 辅助动物将不被允许进入大学的其他区域(例如.g. 餐饮设施, 库, 学术的建筑, 体育建筑及设施, 教室, 实验室, 个人中心, 等.). 

不受本协议规定的限制, the Assistance Animal must be properly housed and restrained or otherwise under the dominion and control of the handler at all times.  任何处理者不得允许动物自由奔跑.  如果发现动物乱跑, 该动物将被捕获和监禁,并立即从大学宿舍搬走. 


如果学校允许个人与情感支持动物生活在一起, the handler is solely responsible for the custody and care of the emotional support animal and must meet the following requirements:

  • 处理者必须遵守当前城市, 县, 以及州法令, 法律, 和/或有关许可的规定, 疫苗接种, 以及对动物的其他要求. 知道和理解这些条例、法律和规章是处理者的责任. 大学有权要求学生提供遵守这些条例的文件, 法律, 和/或法规, 其中可能包括疫苗接种证书. 大学保留要求证明动物已获得许可的文件的权利. 住房 & 居住生活 will be responsible for verifying all documentation regarding a request for an assistance animal.
  • The handler is required to clean up after and properly dispose of the animal’s waste in a safe and sanitary manner and, 当提供, 必须使用大学指定的动物救助区吗.
  • 处理者必须确保动物在任何时候都得到很好的照顾. Any evidence of mistreatment or abuse may result in immediate removal of the emotional support animal and/or discipline for the owner.
  • The University will 不 ask for or require an individual with a disability to pay a fee or surcharge for an approved animal. 
  • An individual with a disability may be charged for any damage caused by his or her emotional support animal beyond reasonable wear and tear to the same extent that it charges other individuals for damages beyond reasonable wear and tear. 处理者的住所也要检查是否有跳蚤, 蜱虫或其他害虫, 如果有必要的话, 作为大学标准或例行检查的一部分. 如果跳蚤, 蜱虫或其他害虫是通过检查发现的, the residence will be treated using approved fumigation methods by a university-approved pest control service. The handler will be billed for the expense of any pest treatment above and beyond standard pest management conducted in University housing facilities.  The University shall have the right to bill the individual‘s account for unmet obligations under this provision.
  • The handler must fully cooperate with University personnel with regard to meeting the terms of this policy and developing procedures for care of the animal (e.g., 清洗动物, 给动物喂食/浇水, 指定室外救援区, 处理粪便, 等.).
  • Animals may 不 be left overnight in University housing to be cared for by any individual other than the handler. 如果处理者离开他/她的宿舍过夜或更长时间, 这只动物必须跟着驯兽师. 训导员负责确保情感支持动物被控制住, 适当的, 当处理者在白天上课或参加其他活动时不在场时.
  • The handler agrees to abide by all equally applicable residential policies that are unrelated to the individual’s disability such as assuring that the animal does 不 unduly interfere with the routine activities of the residence or cause difficulties for individuals who reside there.
  • An emotional support animal is allowed in University housing only as long as it is necessary because of the handler's disability. The handler must 不ify 住房 and 居住生活 in writing if the emotional support animal is no longer needed or is no longer in residence. 代替动物, the new animal must be necessary because of the handler's disability and the owner must follow the procedures in this policy when requesting a different animal.
  • Animals may 不 reside within University housing while pregnant and the University may request documentation that the animal has been neutered. 
  • 大学人员应 被要求为任何动物提供照顾或食物,包括, 但不限于, 在火灾警报等紧急疏散时将动物移走.  Emergency personnel will determine whether to remove the animal and may 不 be held responsible for the care, 损害, 或者失去动物.
  • The individual must provide written consent for University personnel to disclose information regarding the request for and presence of the animal to those individuals who may be impacted by the presence of the animal including, 但不限于, 潜在和/或实际的室友/邻居.  Such information shall be limited to information related to the animal and shall 不 include information related to the individual’s disability.


在下列情况下,大学可能会要求个人将动物从大学宿舍移走: 1) The animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others or causes substantial property 损害 the property of others; 2) The animal’s presence results in a fundamental alteration of a University program; 3) The owner does 不 comply with the handler's responsibilities set forth above; or 4) The animal or its presence creates an unmanageable disturbance or interference with the university community.

The University will base such determinations upon the consideration of the behavior of the particular animal at issue, 而不是基于对动物可能造成的伤害或损害的猜测或恐惧. 任何动物的转移都将由住房部门完成 & 居住生活 in consultation with 残疾支援服务 and may be appealed to the Vice President for Student Affairs. 业主将享有正当诉讼和上诉的权利.

情感支持动物是否应该出于任何原因被移出场地, 处理者将被允许申请解除宿舍合同. 


The K8彩乐园 will 不 retaliate against any person because that individual has requested or received a reasonable accommodation in University housing, 包括请求一只辅助动物.