Requirements for the Bachelor's Level Teacher 教育 Program (TEP)

How do I apply for admission to UNA?

要申请入读UNA的本科课程,应向unas提交申请 admissions office.


How do I register for classes?

Registration Information

How do I get unconditionally admitted into the Teacher 教育 Program (TEP)?

TEP的无条件录取不会在被大学录取时自动生效. 考生必须正式申请进入教育与人文科学学院的TEP. This application process begins in ED 292, 哪门课程是为申请进入教师教育项目的学生设计的. 学生应该能够在完成ED 292后成功地满足所有资格要求.

Prerequisites for ED 292 include:

  • A minimum of 30 hours of coursework completed prior to registering.
  • 向教育准备办公室提供成功通过ASBI/FBI(指纹)背景审查的证明.

Suggestions for successful completion of ED 292 include:

  • A minimum GPA of 2.75 in general studies.
  • 在ED 292学期内完成所有通识课程.

ed292期间, TEP入学的所有要求及其相应的截止日期将进行讨论. These requirements are outlined below:

  1. 主要: 申报你想要攻读的专业,并确保注册办公室已经为你存档了这个专业.
  2. K8彩乐园程序: 在截止日期前,通过TK20(史蒂文斯大厅#515)向教育工作者准备办公室提交TEP的入学申请 在这里.
  3. General Studies: 完整的 所有 General Studies requirements for unconditional admission status. Students who are lacking 只有 一个 class 只要满足所有其他要求,通识部分的学生可以被TEP录取. Remedial courses may not be used to meet approved program requirements.
  4. Additional Coursework Requirements: 完整的 the following courses with a grade of "C" or better:
    ED 292, COM 201, EN 111, EN 112, all Professional Studies attempted, and all Teaching Field attempted.
  5. 面试: 圆满完成面试,以了解申请人的性格和兴趣是否符合成功教学的要求. 考生只有两(2)次机会成功完成TEP面试.
  6. Background Clearance: 根据您的ASBI/FBI指纹获得阿拉巴马州教育部的适合性许可. The candidate is responsible for the non-refundable, nontransferable fee. 候选人的适用性决定排除了进入国家批准的教师教育计划的权利,以正当程序程序. More information on Background Clearance
  7. Field Experience: All education courses require a variety of field experiences in diverse settings. This is an integral preparation comp一个nt embedded throughout the curriculum. 这些实地经验小时数应按每位教员要求的格式记录.
  8. Grade Point Average: Attain the following grade point average (GPA) requirements:
    • 2.75 or better on UNA hours attempted
    • 2.75 or better on all work attempted
    • 2.教学实践课程成绩75分或以上,成绩不低于C。
    • 3.专业研究课程成绩不低于0分,成绩不低于C。

When will I know if I am admitted into TEP?

你将在期末成绩公布一周后收到录取通知. The notice will be sent to your UNA 门户网站 email address. Students may not pre-register for classes requiring admission to TEP. After receiving a formal notice of admission to the program, candidates may go through regular registration or late registration. If you are denied admission to TEP, you must fill out an application to re-apply for admission by a posted deadline.

Once I have been admitted to TEP, can my admission status ever be revoked?

After you have been admitted to TEP, you are expected to maintain all standards covered in the TEP handbook. Your admission may be rescinded if:

  • You fall below required standards, including but not limited to:
    • Unacceptable disposition ratings
    • Revocation/suspension of background clearance
    • Unsatisfactory GPA(s)
  • You become inactive in TEP for longer than 一个 academic year.

I have been admitted to TEP, now what do I do to complete the program?

Requirements for program completion include:

  1. 课程: 完整的 remaining coursework on official checklist. 所有专业研究和教学领域课程必须以“C”或更高的成绩完成.
  2. Field Experiences: All education courses require a variety of field experiences in diverse settings. This is an integral preparation comp一个nt embedded throughout the curriculum. 这些实地经验小时数应按每位教员要求的格式记录.
  3. Multicultural Experience: Students who began college in the Fall 2002, 或者之后, are required to show documentation of an acceptable multicultural experience. This may include a foreign language taken at the high school or college level, a continuing studies course, or other experiences as approved by the College. 此文件应以适当的表格提交给教师认证办公室(SH 546)。.
  4. Praxis Subject Assessment(s): AECTP要求的科目评估包括由教育考试服务中心(ETS)管理的实践科目评估中的部分考试。. 在实习前,考生必须参加并通过其专业所需的所有适当的实践科目评估. More Information on the Praxis Subject Assessments
  5. 实习: 12小时的实习是毕业和申请认证前的最后一个要求. Before a candidate can be admitted to internship, 所有其他教师教育项目要求必须成功完成并在教育工作者准备办公室存档.
  6. 投资组合: 教师教育项目的候选人将会发展出专业的作品集, 记录他们成为知识渊博的专业人士的过程. 额外的信息概述投资组合的要求将在实习教学大纲中提出.
  7. 毕业后: K8彩乐园 for graduation two (2) semesters in advance.
    • Fall candidates should apply between January 1 and April 30
    • Spring candidates should apply between May 1 and August 31
    • Summer candidates should apply between September 1 and November 30


在实习期间,您将收到申请认证所需的文件. 在本学期内,您将完成并返回认证申请, along with a certification fee, 在公布的截止日期前向教育工作者准备办公室的认证官员提交.

At the completion of the semester when degrees have been conferred, 所有的认证申请都将被送到阿拉巴马州教育部, along with the University's recommendations and official transcripts. 阿拉巴马州教育部将把您颁发的证书发送到您申请上列出的邮寄地址.

  • 完成州批准的课程的个人必须在课程完成后的60个日历月内提交阿拉巴马州认证申请. 如果国家批准在课程完成日期前超过七年,则不能根据完成课程的情况推荐候选人进行认证.
  • 用于满足B类认证要求的课程不得用于满足任何教学领域或教学支持领域的A类认证要求.
  • 希望在UNA完成教师教育计划并申请教师认证的候选人 in another state 负责联系该州的教育部门以确定该州的具体要求.