Instructional 领导 Degrees

Instructional 领导 offers both a 硕士学位 和一个 教育 Specialist degree (见下图):

Master of Arts in 教育 - Instructional 领导

使命宣言当前位置K8彩乐园的教学领导准备计划的任务是准备从事, collaborative and effective leaders of learning through the integration of theory, reflection and applied leadership opportunities.  This program is grounded in the Alabama Standards for Instructional Leaders, and focuses on the development of essential knowledge, 技能, 和能力.

 A级教学领导课程允许候选人从有目的的实践经验中受益,旨在为他们领导学校改进和提高学生成绩的基本工作做好准备.  校本作业的目的是提供K8彩乐园知识的机会, 技能, 以及有效履行学校领导核心职责所需的思维方式, as identified in Alabama leadership standards and research.  项目实践的发展连续体从观察到参与,再到领导与教学领导者核心职责相关的校本活动, 与分析, 合成, and evaluation of real-life problems at each level.

Benefits of collaboration between the university and LEA:

  • anchors internship activities in real-world problems instructional leaders face
  • provides for appropriate structure and support of learning experiences
  • ensures quality guidance and supervision

Instructional 领导 Program Options

MAED Instructional 领导:


Instructional 领导 Certificate (Reduced Hour Option):

有资格参加A级教学领导证书课程的候选人必须持有A级专业教育工作者证书,并符合课程入学要求.  项目候选人可以完成一个缩短的课程(18小时),并被推荐为a级教学领导证书. 



第一阶段. Graduate Program Application

有兴趣申请教学领导课程的个人必须符合研究生课程的所有申请要求. 这包括:

  1. completion of the Graduate program application:
  2. 在教学领域获得学士学位水平的专业教育工作者证书或在教学领域或教学支持领域获得硕士水平的专业教育工作者证书的证据.
  3. evidence of three (3) full years of full-time, acceptable professional educational experience in a P-12 setting, which must include at least one full year of full-time P-12 teaching experience.
  4. 任何其他研究生入学要求,如入学考试和背景调查(ALSDE教师证书已经包括必要的背景调查).

二期. 投资组合


  1.  Letter of Interest including the following:
  •  brief autobiography of the applicant
  •  brief philosophy on instruction 
  •  brief explanation of goals 
  •  summary of professional development activities from the past two years
  •  reasons for pursuing instructional leadership certification
  •  最近在教育和领导方面取得成就的证据(学生组织赞助商), committee involvement, 项目总监, 奖, 演讲, 社区服务, 服兵役, 等)
  • summary of expectations from the instructional leadership preparation program

2. Current Resume/Vita including education, 工作经历, leadership activities, 会员资格, 以及荣誉和奖励

3. 提高学生成绩能力的证据-描述你的数据驱动教学理念.  Include specific examples from past experiences, but do not include any student names or other identifying information.

4. Completed copy (all forms) of the most recent performance observation.  Include the professional development component, if available.

5. 三封推荐信-至少一封必须来自校长或直接主管.


第三阶段. 面试

The interview process will be completed electronically through video. 查看说明

第四阶段. 课程


  1. IL 690 Development of 教育al 人力资源
  2. IL 691 Financial and Material Resources for School Improvement
  3. IL 694 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Student 学习
  4. IL 695法律 & Ethical Responsibilities
  5. 实习经历 & Residency for Instructional Leaders
  6. IL 697 领导 for Successful Schools and Partnerships
  7. EEX 605 教育 for Exceptional Children (required if not previously completed)
  8. 12 hrs advisor-approved electives

教育 Specialist - Instructional 领导

程序的基本原理: Grounded in the Alabama Standards for Instructional Leaders, and builds on the knowledge 和能力 developed at the Class A (master’s degree) level, AA级教学领导课程的候选人将运用他们的技能来创造和实践成功的教学领导. AA级教学领导力课程以实践经验为基础,内容依赖于学校和学区的领导经验,将候选人的领导知识转化为良好的领导实践. AA级教学领导力课程的核心原则是与所有与提高学生成绩有利害关系的人共同发展领导实践, especially parents and teachers.

Candidates will engage in:

  • 与教学问题相关的实践经验,有助于候选人集中研究和解决问题的努力.
  • 鼓励考生以不同的方式思考教育设置的经验, 规划, 调度, 以及为满足学生群体不断变化的需求而实现学习目标的教学方法.
  • 内容侧重于成人学习理论,培养对成人如何学习的清晰理解,以及学校是成人和学生共同学习的地方.
  • Improving teacher performance using the Alabama Educator Effectiveness Process.
  • 共享领导力的内容和实践,为每位候选人提供理解并能够以有意义的方式与所有利益相关者共享领导力的机会,以支持改进学生的学习.
  • Content focused on leadership for special education, English language learners, career and technical education, 技术, 情的程序, and adolescent literacy.


第一阶段. Graduate Program Application

  1. Scholastic achievement: a master’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution.
  2. 考生必须持有有效的a级专业教育工作者领导资格证书或有效的a级专业领导资格证书. 
  3. Candidates must meet one of the following criteria:
    1. Be currently serving as a superintendent, assistant or associate superintendent, assistant to the superintendent, 主要, 副校长, supervisor (any subject and/or grade level), administrator of career and technical education, 协调员, 或评估者.
    2. 在教学领导职位工作三年的证明文件,其中一个证书是根据阿拉巴马州教育部当前版本的主题和人员代码的适当认证.
    3. 在进入AA级教学领导课程之前或在完成AA级教学领导课程之前,展示A级教学领导标准中的每一项能力.
  4. ASBI/FBI background clearance.
  5. Complete the Graduate program application:

二期. 投资组合

Applicants who completed a Class A program 2005年9月8日或之后由阿拉巴马州教育委员会批准的除外 , must submit a portfolio.



第三阶段. 面试

The interview process will be completed electronically through video. 查看说明

第四阶段. 课程


  • EDS 701 Professionalism and Ethics in the School Culture
  • EDS 704 Culturally Proficient 领导
  • EDS 708 Advanced Curriculum Dev for Teaching & 学习
  • EDS 703 Digital-Age 领导 to Enhance Student 学习
  • IL 706 Management of the 学习 Organization
  • IL 707 Law, Policy, and Governance
  • IL 711 Professional Standards for Instructional 领导
  • IL 705 Professional Development and Mentoring
  • EDS 702 Applied Research I
  • IL 709 Applied Research II
  • IL 710 Community and Stakeholder Relationships OR ED 640 教育al Statistics
  • EEX605 Survey of Students with Disabilities (if not previously completed)

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